Explore the core (old => update place/user)

Core API is a RESTful API that gives you some control over your levels, places, users and surveys.
For example, you can :

  • Consult your places
  • Retrieve responses for a place
  • Add users to a place


Going further

Consult the API Reference for more.


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Key Concepts

The Core API involves four key concepts: levels, places, users, and surveys.

If you are not familiar with these concept, don't hesitate to consult the Glossary!


With the Core API, the following actions are available :

  • Consult, update and delete levels
  • Consult, update and delete places
  • Add a response, survey or user to a place
  • Consult surveys
  • Consult and delete users

Restrictions by conviction

We consciously decided to restrain the capabilities of the API. Some informations and actions may have serious consequences and should remain under the supervision of the Critizr team.

Updating resources

We built the Critizr's APIs by following the REST recommendations and best practices. This explain why there are two methods to update a resource.


When using the PUT HTTP verb, the method expects to receive the entire resource containing the modifications. Each field is replaced by the payload's value.


When using the PATCHHTTP verb, you can only send the fields you want to update in the payload.


Imagine that you have to manage dozens of places and hundreds of employees. You probably already have tools and databases to help you add, update and remove says places, users or affect users to places.
With the Core API, you simply have to get the user and the place you want to connect and proceed!

Get the user

Here we will use the following GET endpoint : https://api.critizr.com/v2/users.
The response is as follow :

    "next": "https://api.critizr.com/v2/users?cursor=cD0xMTAwNTE1",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": "ABCD1234",
            "info": {
                "email": "[email protected]",
                "first_name": "Arnaud",
                "last_name": "Lancelot"
            "places": "https://api.critizr.com/v2/users/ABCD1234/places"

For the user Arnaud Lancelot, his ID is ABCD1234.

Get the place

Next, we have to find the place on which we want to add Arnaud Lancelot.
We will use the GET endpoint : https://api.critizr.com/v2/places.
The response is as follow :

    "next": "https://api.critizr.com/v2/places?cursor=cD0yMDE2LTA1LTE5KzE0JTNBMzMlM0E0Mi42MDkwMDclMkIwMCUzQTAw",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "id": "EFGH5678",
            "partner_id": "1234",
            "name": "Place",
            "enabled": true,
            "detail_url": "https://api.critizr.com/v2/places/EFGH5678"

The place ID is EFGH5678.

Assign the user to the place

With these two informations, we can simply assign the user to the place.
We perform a PATCH request on the endpoint : https://api.critizr.com/v2/places/{place-id}. In our case, the place-id is EFGH5678.
We will update the users of this place. So we will have to provide the full list of users for this place, including the new user ABCD1234.

Since we are using a PATCH request, we need to supply a payload like this :

	"users": [..., "ABCD1234"]

A 204 response later, the matching is done !

We can check this association by perfoming a GET request on the following endpoint : https://api.critizr.com/v2/users/ABCD1234/places.

Ready to start?

For an overview of how our APIs work, check out the Get started page. If you're ready to use the Core API, you can use your access token to make direct requests.

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